How to Find Love in 2023: 9 Dating Tips from a Professional Matchmaker


We all want to fall in love with the person of our dreams. But finding love has become elusive, and most people have turned to professional online matchmakers and dating sites. As a busy professional, it isn’t easy to make time to date or even have a normal relationship, as both are hard to maintain. 

This is what makes reputable matchmaking for men a viable solution in 2023. If you failed at finding love in 2022, worry no more! Here are some dating tips from a professional matchmaker that will help you find love amidst your busy schedule in 2023.

1. Cut Loose That Person Who Makes You Miserable

The first thing you should do in 2023 is to cut loose anyone who makes you miserable or does not meet your emotional needs. If this person stands you up when you plan dates, does not communicate, and isn’t present emotionally, ditch them. Do not hang on and waste your time, hoping they will change. Open yourself up to meet new people.

2. Be Realistic and Let go of Fantasies

Sometimes singles remain single for long because of unrealistic fantasies. Some are so hung up on their toxic exes whom they feel was the one. When you have the notion your ex will get back together with you, you will never open up to the possibility of love with someone else. Some have an unrealistic and fairy tale idea of what love should be. Real and lasting love is much more than a whirlwind romance.

 It’s easy to meet someone, get swept off your feet, fall head over heels in love, and ignore the red flags in the relationship. Let go of fantasies and hopes that your ex will come back and open your eyes to the possibilities that lie ahead. The person you met at a wedding or party and you hit it off with might be the one. Working with a dating coach and going out of your way to meet new people will help you meet someone with whom you can have a real and fulfilling relationship.

3. Improve Your Communication Skills

Today’s dating scene is unlike any other. People are busier and use technology to communicate. However, communication skills will never go out of style. To truly stand out, you must improve your communication skills. 

You might be busy, but a prompt text back, calling to check on them, or following up on a pre-arranged date can go a long way. These actions show you are caring, reliable, and conscientious. When you meet someone, tell them how you prefer to communicate. Some people hate texting and prefer calling or vice versa.

4. Correct your Dating Pattern

If your dating life is not what you want it to be, there is a pattern. Don’t blame your lousy dating life on others; take responsibility for your life and choices. Figure out your dating pattern and what the deal breakers are. Are you a procrastinator who hates commitment, and your dating partner gets fed up? Are you the type who gets thrown into the friend zone? Do you seem to attract cheaters or narcissists? Find the pattern, understand the cause, and make changes.

5. Don’t Rush Into an Exclusive Relationship for At Least Three Months

A new relationship is exciting, but you have to take it slow. If you meet someone and things are rushing too fast for your liking, there lies the red flag. Controlling people and narcissists like to lock down a relationship as quickly as possible.

Getting into a relationship too fast does not give you enough time to get to know your partner. Take the first three months to get to know the other person, and don’t get exclusive until then. Anyone who likes you will wait and build a relationship with you before committing to exclusivity.

6. Let Someone Else Match Make

Sometimes singles fail to find love because they pick the wrong people. They keep dating a specific type of person who is not their type. When you seem to have this pattern of choosing people you don’t gel with, it’s time to let someone like a professional matchmaker work for you. An unbiased matchmaker will help you discover your dating priorities, deal breakers, and values, then help you connect with like-minded individuals. If you don’t want to work with a matchmaker, ask a sibling or trusted friend to help set you up with singles that might be a good match.

7. Go on Proper Dates 

Proper Dates

Go on proper dates when you meet someone via a matchmaker or other ways. As a busy professional, it might be challenging to find the time, but you have to. Set aside evenings or weekends and ensure you have no work commitments. To make the relationship work, you have to put in the time.

8. Don’t Focus on Looks

Beauty is fleeting and fades with time. Don’t focus too much on the superficial. Worry about their values and their personality. Are they kind and empathetic? Do they treat other people with respect? Whatever your values are, concentrate on those and not on looks.

9.  Be the Person You Are Looking For

We often think of what we want in a partner, but what type of partner are you? If you have a list of checkboxes for a partner, ensure you have them too. Don’t demand from someone what you cannot offer. If you want a reliable and honorable partner, ensure you have those qualities too.

The dating site has evolved a lot. Most of us are too busy to find time to date, and we end up choosing the wrong people. If you want to change your love life this year, you must put in the work and look in the right places. You can also choose to work with a matchmaker; you never know love might finally come your way.  

Emma Garcia is an expert researcher and writer with a passion for exploring new technologies and their potential to improve people's lifestyles. With a degree in computer science and a gift for making complex ideas accessible, she provides her readers with valuable information and practical tips for incorporating technology into their daily lives. She is committed to providing unbiased information and is a trusted source for anyone looking to make informed decisions about the technology they use. Ultimately, Emma Garcia aims to empower her readers to make the most of the technology available to them and improve their lives in the process.